What is Your Purpose?

There is a commuter stop I traverse daily that has pavers in the sidewalk with sayings that each begin with “I came here to . . .” Thinking about this, I realized many people who seek (or perhaps have achieved a measure of) success have not taken the time to ponder their own purpose and focus….


We’ve talked about the need to understand what blocks your success . And we’ve considered how to focus your dreams to help you move forward. Unfortunately, it is too easy to have dreams without making any progress at all. You have heard the phrase “lofty goals” thrown out as a way to say a person has a pipe dream…

What stands in your way?

Many of us feel that there is some external thing blocking our ability to succeed in life. We may see the blockage as a person (that boss that does not see our potential), a circumstance (I would have a great business now if it were not for that recession), or a lack of skill (I…


If you read my article, What is Your Purpose?, you now have your core values clearly defined. Today I want to talk about moving from those values to a plan of action you may commit to. Let’s begin with a story: There were two children playing. The boy said “I’m the lawyer. You call me to…

When Should a Person Stop Dreaming?

  I had someone ask me this question and it caused me to pause. I am always dreaming and could not understand why anyone would not want to dream. Dreams allow us to see possibilities that may not be apparent in our daily lives. Dreams help us to see hope instead of feeling depressed that…


I was watching a major construction project recently and it struck me again how important it is to establish a solid foundation when you are building something. I shared a post recently Action – What are you doing now? that addressed the need to go beyond making lists to actually take action on your goals….

Are You In Transition?

Each person transitions in his or her own way. Each transition brings its own unique elements. The transition that seems simple to me may be highly stressful to the person across from me. As a coach and advocate, it is my job to help relieve stress so that you may continue on your journey. We…

Coaching FAQs

If you have never worked with a coach you may wonder about the coaching relationship. Who should have a coach? What is coaching anyway and why should I even consider such a thing? Following the old journalism guideline I have answered some of those questions below. Who? You, because you recognize potential in yourself that…


Leadership takes more than standing in front and saying follow me. A true leader must first look inward and decide what will it take for me to be the best that I can be? Many people choose to pursue graduate education. That MBA might be required for a promotion within your organization. But the pursuit…